*i feel so shallow
*cuz my friend was talking abt going to donate blood
*in sch tmr
*then i said yah
*it's gd u know why
*cuz if the density of blood is 1060kg/m^3
*n u donate 0.0005m^3
*then u will automatically lose 0.53kg
*haha anw i realise u cannot donate blood every 2 days
*cuz u need 20-59 days for recovery )=
*but if u donate every 20 days right
*can u imagine u becme damn gd person cuz u donate so much blood
*wah then in like, 2 months u can lose 1.5kg
*with such little effort O:
LOOK, 11SO3E MALES, I am not nearly as bad as other people!! XD
Deb: (upon realisation)
*damn i was almost gonna make my wonderful calculations my fb status )=
Dear deb, go ahead! ♥
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
9:22 PM
Sigh, no exco for me :( sadness. S'ok, everything that happens has a reason, we've just got to believe in something greater coming our way :) Omg i'm so fat, i wear FBTs and it squeezes my fats. so gross :( dam sad. I want more nice songs! Whoever's reading this, please send me your top 5 favourite songs at the moment!
To do:
1. RIP
2. PI
3. GPP
4. Chem tut
5. Chinese (yu wen lian xi 2,3 yue ji 2,3 cheng yu lian xi? the other one..)
6. Mitomeio tut
No math, no...
7. Econs elasticity tut Q2
WHYYYYYYY. And GP. Hell! THAT'S A LOT OF SHIT TO DO. [inserts GP after PI]
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
7:13 PM
Today I got suaned by Mr Ariff Chan. SO SAD OMG even the teachers suan me. At the beginning of the lesson, I said it was quite hot so I asked Leonggen to turn the aircon down 5 degrees (which is like, alot) but he turned it down 9 :O so halfway into the lesson I said it was cold, and continued saying it's cold/shivering. Then Mr Chan said this.
"I'm not wearing a jacket, and I also don't have that much adipose tissue, so why are you complaining?"
OMG, PERSONAL ATTACK! Even Arvin suans me in GP :( walao!! Dam sad. AND MY SURNAME IS NOT HILTON, THANKS.
I was cutting my hair in GP while listening to the teacher/asking some qns. Then after a while it made her too 'uneasy' so she threatened to confiscate it :( so sad. Can't get rid of the gross ends.
Mustnotbeajealousbitch. Nobody likes a jealousbitch.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
9:13 PM
Must learn to suppress all feelings of jealousy and not stalk people on fb. SUPPRESS, SUPPRESS.
I am fine.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
9:08 PM
242th post! Anyway, the aforementioned theory is wrong because "It's white chocolate so got more cocoa butter, which is roughly 80% fat." Thank you russell, for bursting my bubble :( There is some hammering going on in my house. I feel scared. Why would there be hammering noises? Oh. It might be my grandfather. Or a poltergeist.
Note: Russell read a book on chocolates when he was 9. Then he read up moar about chocolates a few years later to know ^ that.
me: A children's book on chocolates? Why would 9-year-olds want to read about chocolate?! and cocoa butter and the likes. i think you occur in the category of "few and far between".
russell: Few and far between equals poisson distribution. So i'm a rare catch?
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
8:11 PM
Hypothesis: Hersheys chocolate (Cookies N' Cream) comprises much less saturated fats than other chocolates.
Evidence: They melt at Singapore room temperature A_A
SO FAIL, but still awesome. I found my melted packed in the fridge, 1/4 eaten :O Also, melting/reviving(cooling) doesn't do anything to the chocolate. It still tastes awesome :D yay for chocolate!
Today I self-pwned in PW.
Welras: *wiggles eyebrows very.. suspiciously?*
Me: What? *defensively*
Welras: *Continues to wiggle eyebrows* smsing your boyfriend ah
Me: What? Boyfriend? I got no boyfriend laah.
Welras: Don't lie.
Madeline: Ya lor I think you have boyfriend.
Sam: ACS(I) or ACS Barker? Barker is disgusting.
Me: Ew! No not barker. Oh shit, did I just admit to having a boyfriend? Shit.
I am killing my cat with love. I had instant noodles for dinner and didn't finish it, so I gave it to my cat. At first it ate the food, then it suddenly ran back in, so I resorted to...
plan B : adding little bits of salmon to the noodles. It worked! then there was very little noodles left. But then the cat suddenly ran in again.
Plan C : add some sort of sauce to the noodles to make it more flavourful, plus tiny piece of pork/salmon. HOHO, the cat ate even more!! I think it may have finished it.
YES, SUCCESS! I'm going to overfeed my cat and it's going to die of obesity. Thank God for obesity (: MUAHAHAHA. (You know, I don't know why people think my cat is cute when it incessantly meows for food whenever we're eating at the dining table. Then people feel sympathetic and feed it. Okay, it's actually just my mum. My brother/sister go SO CUTEE but don't feed it. I, on the other hand, feel very irritated whenever it meows. Since people attribute the sympathy for cats' meows to the tugging of heart strings, likened to that of a babies' cry, I thus conclude that I have no heart strings to tug at. My poor future children? Think so.)
My banana tree produced bananas, and my maids harvested them and made banana muffins. They are awesome. Beside the point, I think our resident pontianak is angry. I just learnt that we cut the banana tree down after it bears fruit, because it'll never bear fruit again :O so cruel! Talk about a use-and-throw society. Poor banana tree..
Can't wait for tomorrow. Shit, math lecture test!!!!! o(>.<)o Wow it's raining but I couldn't tell by looking out my window. Doesn't look like it's raining at all o_o'
Hello there, the angel from my nightmare. ♥
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
4:58 PM
How naise, I have 9 days left to do PI.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
7:27 PM
Misslim/Mrschng/Elsa: Hi Michelle, so confirm tuition tmr at 7am?
Me: uh, yes. *cry*
Misslim/Mrschng/Elsa: You shouldn't be the one crying, I should be the one.
HAHA, SORRY!! I don't want to have tuition at 7 either! :(
Shits, I ate so much today. I ate at some jap place for lunch, and I ate the most out of my dad/sis. My sis ate one measly potato croquette, I ate half a salmon (piece of salmon, not half the whole dam fish) chicken pork and a potato croquette. Oh, and rice. SIGH SIGH SIGH then I ate a large tart from fruit paradise. Mango tarttt ♥ Luvv.
Meimei: I just realised, we're all eating fruits.
Me: No way, because we're at the *point at sigh* fruittartshop.
Meimei: I can't believe I just said that.
LOL. My sis ate a mixed berries chocolate tart, my dad ate a banana chocolate tart, and I ate a mango tart :D we're all pigs. But I don't care, because i exercise 5 times a week so I have the right to binge on rubbish and feel guilt-free.
I bought a new schoolbag! It's white and it looks exactly like the one from Zinc that my sister allegedly (according to me) destroyed. I love the material :D Now I'm going to have a pink jacket and a white bag. Conspicuous much? x_x'
I also bought socks :D 4 for $10. Cute sox! I lerbb cute sox. I wrote 2 paragraphs for my bio tutorial essay, that's all. The whole dam weekend. Why am I so unproductive? And I officially messed (omg, I typed that as messied... Nuts.) up my floor/table. I LOST MY WATCH AND 1 (MAYBE 2) NECKLACES. SO DAM SAD. And I don't know if I lost it or if my maid took it. I believe the latter is true. :\ I loved that watch :\ it was so pretty. I WANT MY WATCH BACK!!! Cry.
Ooh, today I went to collect my specs :D that's why we were at OC. (Orchard central. Why on earth is it called OC? I honestly don't know.) I think it's really fun, wig + specs + this + that. I wanted to buy a dress to wear all the above with for fun, since I won't look like myself anyway. Hahahah so fun! But my arms are soooo faaat. I'm so glad I'm in archery. Can tone my fat fl-abby arms. Sigh, people have abs, I have fl-abs. So sad!!!
My stomach dam fat. Walao. I think I'm pregnant. Ah, so I shall be productive after all! A_A HAHAHAHA. Singapore govt. will liek meee :D
I want my bow. I want my bow. I want my bow tres badly. :( Need to go bathe and do more bio/chem and GP and OMIGOOOOOOOOOOOOD PI.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
7:37 PM
I want to go to the Bermuda Triangle.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
11:32 AM
I guess it's time I run far far away,
Find comfort in pain,
How I wish I'd chosen darkness from cold.
I've probably already given up, I just don't know it yet.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
10:34 AM
I am not going to be affected by my emoness. I will overcome.
Anyway, a few days ago (maybe yesterday? oh, tuesday) I asked Russell what Van Der Waals forces were. He replied "..." and I swear I could feel the penetrating why-are-you-so-incompetent-glare-this-question-is-insulting-my-intelligence-you-don't-deserve-to-exist-on-the-face-of-this-planet glare over the computer. So dam scary. Leonggen is so much more friendly. *cheers for leonggen* He just answers all my stupid questions :O And Davin. Davin is naiseeee.
Today after taking the MBTI test, (it was self-conducted and self-tallied and stuff) we were supposed to get a sticker and write out name on it and paste it on this paper that the people gave to each class, with each combi of personality traits. Then the guys were all huddling there, and when I stuck my name there they were like..
"Eh, where's Michelle?"
"Not there lah, she's RICH (arr ayye see haych)"
*twitch* *twitch* *twitch* and now I'm known as Paris Hilton because I'm "blonde" and "rich" SADNESS. Omg, at least that means I have a naise body YAY *cheers* HAHAHA! Nah, I know that's the one good thing about Paris Hilton that I am not D: sadness. Sadness.
The bullying chain as of now.
[Prominent bullies] Welras, Josiah, Dom, Russell
[The subtle King/God of Suan, SEPARATE CATEGORY ALTOGETHER] (don't know where to put this, maybe right at the top.. After all, he IS subtle) Dr Jin Chentian
[The subtle bullies who join the prominent bullies] Madeline (the only one I can think of)
[The Crystal Ball Lady; she knows all. Also a separate category] Isabella
[Just above me] Charmaine
[The bullied] Me :(
I'm going to draw a flowchart. I'm going to bring a plain sheet of A4 paper to school tomorrow and draw a bullying arrow chart thing!! So fun (: Then I can take a picture of it. Hahahhaa.
I'm not so emo anymore!! Need to do chem now, the whole tutorial... Shit :\ sadness. Okay, photocopy chinese tomorrow ARGH I really think I need to write it on my arm :( It's like I remember in the morning then I forgot when free blocks come.
Bath time!! I will learn to stop being so clingy/over-dependent.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
7:31 PM
Today during our Enrichment RA block, we took this MBTI test, some personality thing. it's I/E (intro/extra), S/N (sensing/intuitive), T/F (thinking/feeling), P/J (perceptive/judging). I'M ENFP! :O I thought I would be ENTP. (which would be weird because I think that's the evil manipulative-by-nature cruel etcetc kind of person. HAHA. I'm T if the feelings of the people are of no consequence to me, aka I don't care about who I affect, but in most situations I'm F because I care about the people around me :D
I suddenly feel emo because you accidentally called me. Replyyyy. Dam sad.
I have a budget of $2x for 9 days. Nooooooo way. Budget upped!! Still feel dam emo. Sigh :( Don't wnna blog anymore. SHIT LAH. Wanted to blog about funny stuff. No dam mood. Apparently according to the personality test I experience intense emotions. Tis true. I wish it weren't that way. Sigh. I sigh.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
7:13 PM
argh, training today. i am in SO MUCH PAIN, had to lug around my damheavy bag + my file + my water bottle the whle day, then after training +bow. and it's like PHWOAR cannot put it down, and we walked to tampines mall herethereherethere. argh!! SO PAIN, plus yesterday's 5 items (which i failed, because i can't standing broad jump. which is dam weird, because i used to be able to do 170+ ezily)
aiyah, my behind-thigh hurts like alot. and now i have a blister forming on my right foot. AND I MISS MY HUSBAND!!!!! Haven't seen you since Sunday..? Or sat. I MISS YOU. i'm glad you're okay (:
homework.. PI.. i don't know manxz. i'm going to do econs essay outline now. *sigh*
need to catch up on my work and be more responsible. hopefully i'll get into exco by some miraculous act of God.. (don't even know what exco stands for)
I've had you so many times but somehow I want more ♥
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
8:37 PM
My dad is weird. Very weird. He's going to wear those large korean specs to
church for
fun. My grandmother says it's because he probably didn't get to do such things when he was young and it's not her fault for producing weird offspring A_A
Today Alicia presented her life (so far) during civics and rambled on about art. Art so nice meh!! I never knew Lilo&Stitch used watercolour backgrounds. Heh heh. Anyway, here's a dam wrong quote!
"What are you doing?"
"Lubricating it."
"Then she's going to blow and suck it."
THE CONTEXT: She's in harmoc and was going to play the harmonica for us :D But it needed to be "lubricated" before she could play it. AHAHA.
Russell is mean shit, he asked the class to collect money to bribe my dentist to string the wire through my braces in some transverse wave-like fashion so I won't be able to talk. Tomorrow we're going to see Lee Wei Ling o_O (if that's how you spell her name..) How scary. Scary shit.
Need to do PI *nod* and Bio tutorial and Math tutorial (binom) /assignment (probability) and chem tutorial (3) and econs tutorial (essay outline) maybe econs tutorial 2b.. HOLY SHIT I HAVE A LOT OF THINGS TO DO. Chinese also need to do zuo wen, yue ji. Hahahahahahaha.
Omg I need to bathe and get started. I also need to download Tears&Rain. I love year-2000 songs! So much better than the ones being produced now :( bleah. Soul shit, R&B shit, disney shit (not the classics BOO) Rihanna shit.. etc. Lady Gaga shit. wtfxzxz.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
7:32 PM
♥ I love you more than I love seals!!! (I think so, anyway, because I don't get withdrawal from missing them.) Sigh :( I LOVE SEALS, THEY ARE SO CUTE. *puts picture here again* just kidding, but it's so tempting!!
Fun fact: 1 packet of yanyan = 300kcal. WHOA, SO NOT WORTH IT OMG. Might as well eat muesli bars, so much less fattening A_A Man, I ate moar chips today!! :( I have a theory that... meiji steals royce's chocolate recipes. the royce white chocolate tastes EXACTLY LIKE the vanilla cream in the milk hello panda/milk pocky/milk yanyan. i wonder who earns more money xD demand&supply.
Let's see, I didn't go to church today and I didn't do any work because my damn computer is so shitty microsoft word doesn't work. Like what the hell! Then I ate a lot for lunch and a lot for dinner.
After lunch, we went to the optician. I saw a pair of guess specs!! SO NAISE. I looked like a secretary :D And, as everyone knows, those conventional hollywood secretaries are very very very cool.
HAHA, I'm harrassing Davin as we speak :D so fun. Anyway, I had some fail moment at the optician!
Me: Omg, can I have this pair of specs please? So nice!!
Dad: But it doesn't fit you, it's hanging in the middle of nowhere.
Meimei: Ya, because you have no nose bridge.
Me: But I can see!!!
Meimei: That's because you're wearing contacts.
Conclusion: I am blonde. A_A
Anyway!! I have decided to embark on a quest to find a naise pair of glasses very similar to the guess ones (with the same little shiny studs on the sides!!) and then I will get it with 0-degree lenses and wear contacts underneath! THAT WAY, I can wear coloured contact lenses or just normal lenses and be able to take off my specs whenever I want to and still be able to see. WIN! My mother says I'm one-of-a-kind. I take that as a compliment :3
Why did my mum leave chocolates here.. Bane of my existence. I don't know why I'm blogging in a punctuationally-correct manner! It is so strange.
DON'T WORK ON WEEKENDS!!!!!!!!!!!! T_T Sadness. /(T_T)/ Sigh, I guess I just have to get used to it :( I would have to eventually, anyway. SIGH. I hate this!
Today I think my sister and I bought 8 packs of pads. Maybe moar. And like lots of pantyliners. I wish only girls would read my blog D: Guh.
1. I can't wait to get my new phone.
2. I don't want time to pass, because you'll be that much closer to going to the army/taking that stupid job.
2>1. I can compromise on the phone. Sigh. :( WHY IS LIFE SO COMPLICATED I wish I was an ant. Ants just do things. They probably don't think or anything, being non-sentient and all. Never question why they do what they do...
SIGH I was I was robotic like that. Then again, maybe not. I don't knoooow! Mid-life crises. (Crisises? Crises? Cry-c's?)
I hate PMSing. I wish guys would PMS. I mean, seriously! It doesn't just hurt people around us, we hurt too! I think. Aw, hell I have to submit Reach Cambridge thing soon and and and and my archery cheque. Aw, hell. Wait, didn't I print it out..? Great. Now my memory fails me.
I am old and d.. d..... dementia-tic. The tragedy of telomeres.
omg i forgot to post this ^ yesterday O_O
HAHA. Anyway, i got braces today, they put the brackes on. gosh it's so annoying, it's like itchy and i just have to scratch my lip with the braces A_A Ahahahaha. DAM SAD LAH i have a metal mouth and will have it for like another 6-9-12months. dam sad.
i hope your grandfather's okay!!! T.T *prays*
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
8:06 PM
i think i will grow up to be a spinster/hermit in alaska, living in a igloo with all my seals. (not dogs or cats) soft fluffy huggable things can't hurt you.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
12:02 PM
angela has a thing for quoting me! all i said was "STRENGTH IN NUMBERS, JAYWALK!" and "divide and conquer!" (because there were 20+ of us and we were trying to find a place to sit in jap foodstreet)
OMG, SUPREME PAIN. you know my brother said the seniors tell the bowlers i am a slacker, like when we do pt. IT IS NOT MY FAULT I AM UNFIT. i am simply unfit :( i cannot run. i cannot do pushups. believe me, i would love to be able to do them as easily as say, gabriel. GABRIEL IS NOT A HUMAN. HE EITHER 1. FEELS NO PAIN 2. HAS ALIEN MUSSELS 3. erm... don't know. fit/not fat. anyway, yes. stupid guys can do pushups so easily. jeff is one perv pls, he kept looking up when we were doing pushups. then dam bad, cos i cannot do he says "MICHELLE DOWN" "MICHELLE DOWN" when it's just supposed to be DOWN, DOWN. sad lah. then not enough, russell has to do commando pushups NEXT TO ME to mock me. stupid king. D:
OH GAWD, PAIN. i ached from thursday's class camp. i was hanging on the plank upside down for like 2mins+ and clare saw me and laughed at me :( she said it was epic. she's not even in my class. my calf (calve..?) died!!! it was so painful. i was ready to give everyone $10 if they would let me down. then i upped it to $20 but still NO. what the!?!?! non-mercenary classmates, or they're just really nice people :) maybe they're not nice - they're sadistic. AHHH!! SCARY THOUGHT!
i just failed, i tried to adjust the music volume of my speakers by reducing the volume on my laptop, then i realised that they were connected to my ipod not my laptop. facepalm.
sadism is a personality disorder. i googled it in case i spelt it wrongly. i tend to do things like that A_A (spell wrongly AND google to check.) OH GAWD
SO PAIN. SUCH GREAT PAIN. well yeah so anyway, continuing from the "pain from thursday" THEN WE DID PUSHUPS YESTERDAY. okay, if we ran i think i would be DEAD, no exaggeration there. my legs still hurt from class camp.
at class camp!! i'm the only one with a single parent! so strange/anomalous! i thought there was a higher divorce rate in singapore, but my dad has a theory that the higher up you go (in education, i presume) the more functional/whole families there are, probably because there's adequate support and no emotional trauma/stress or anything. maybe not "no", but less, anyway.
ARGH my uterus hertz. (Frequency=1/T) HAHAH ♥
and i won't look back
i can go the distance
i will stay on track
no i won't accept defeat!
i tried playing kiss the rain today. halfway through, all the notes suddenly became double, and all one octave apart. so it was like jumpjumpjump. OW my wrist hasn't hurt so much.. ever?? gah. but i love the piano! i love music. i love canon in d, and etc.
but now i'm in too much pain to think of pretty things. UGGHHH.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
10:28 AM
i wish you had a normal-er sleep cycle and woke up earlier *sigh* hate the busy-ness of life.
so tired, don't wanna sleep. when i wake up gotta stone for eternity and overcome the overwhelming urge to procrastinate. i can alr feel it. seriously lah! why do we have to do so much RUBBIISSHHHHHHHHH argh.
sometimes i wonder if the friends i have are all superficial. it's really scary, thinking that i really am (almost) all alone in this world. in terms of people. i mean, God's ALWaYS there but you can't see Him or hold an actual conversation with Him. not that i'm aware or capable of anyway.
in the end, we enter the world alone and die alone. more or less. this is so depressing. and my legs are getting fatter. this is so depressing x2. i want to buy cute earrings, but i don't know where to get them. sigh, i don't know. i'll just wait for tomorrow...
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
11:46 PM
i still could go on all day about seals....
i love them. ♥
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
2:00 PM
I could most definitely go on about baby harp seals indefinitely. A_A
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
9:35 PM

SEALS ARE TOO ADORABLE A MASS OF BLUBBER. No mass of blubber should look so cute!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH. SOFT, WHITE AND FLUFFY. Anything anyone could ever ask for. I love them most ardently ♥ TOO CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HEHEHEHE. *GOES TO THE NORTH AND STEALS ALL THEM SEALS*
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
8:12 PM
Hihihihihi. My life is boring and mundane. I have a lot of overdue homework. It saddens me. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG AQ PI argh. and chinese zuo wen. :\ i have to stop going on about my homework and actually do it. I also have to... Ummxzxz. Chem prac.
I really have nothing to blog about. I miss the days when I had a lot of funny shiz to write about every day. I miss 4G. Love you guys!! o(T-T)o My sister may have a new love interest/boyfriend. We are all speculating. I wonder if I should approach/ask her about it :O
Anyway, the point being: Life is boring.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
6:23 PM
this is the epitome of laziness/fatness:
SMS: Hi dad, if you're going out soon can you help me buy chips? the small lays ones. SMALL. yellow green or bbq all can :D thanks.
My dad is home and I can't even get up and walk to his room to ask him, and i'm asking him to buy even moar fattening things. INSANITY! I'm so going to get fat. nvm, exercise everyday from this week onwards :| sucky.
grace is so pretty! and she's dance pro :D main dancer lor! *applause* she lost so much weiiiight T_T both grace and clare have flat stomachs T_T no ovaries. T_T so jealous. T_T
i dislike all you people who read w/o tagging. TAG DANGIT. it's so stalker-ey to read and not tag. i need salt. like salt from chips, salt from fries, salt from seaweed.. i just need salt. i want to go read ouran now :| but i need to do PI, GP, read econs.. do chem..
Aiya. school sucks. i think jc sucks ttmbtm.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
4:02 PM
from the horses' mouths.
clare: boyfriend > friends, i reiterate my point
i love my friends.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
8:37 PM
Josiah's pm : I would build you a house and waltz with you in the living room for the rest of our lives.
me: whoaaaaaaa, waltz for so long ah.
josiah: is it tiring? i've never tried rich people dances before
*premise 1: waltz is rich people dance
*premise 2: Michelle is rich
*premise 3: Michelle never waltz
*conclusion: Michelle not considered people
me: 1. waltz is for rich people 2. michelle cannot waltz thereforeeeeeee MICHELLE IS NOT A RICH PERSON
josiah: conclusion 1. Is fake
me: 1. cocktail parties are for rich people 2. michelle has never been to a cocktail party THEREFORE michelle is not rich. we can also do "owns a bentley, michelle does not", stuff like that.
josiah: shoot I'm losing my train of thought
*buy me another one
me: ARGH
*this could go on forever
josiah: Like the number of sig fig of your bank account balance?
Josiah won :( sadness v2001
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
9:50 PM
The 11S03E bullying chain is as follows:
Top [The guys] ie Josiah, Russell (Irritatingness>all), Welras, Dom, etc.
Below-the-top [Me, Charmaine*] :D
THE BOTTOM [Alicia for female, Arvin for male]
LOL. Not included: Ian (he's a nice guy!!) most of the girls
*Charmaine fights back, making me an easier target.
I bully Alicia, because there is no one else to bully. I bully dom, because dom has a nice bag :D
HAHAHA. so zhun, same bag as isabella ;x proness! nobody knows if it's coincidental or on purpose *insert shneaky emoticon here*
I hate Russell I hate Russell I hate Russell. LIEK LEHVE MEH ALOUNE. people drink water also cannot drink in peace. it's like, turn around "BOO!" screamjumpheartpalpitationsdie.
I am not a rich kid. Leave me alone :( Rae's the one with a gym in her house. NOT ME!! I don't have anything in my house :( we're just sitting on a plot of land that happens to cost a lot of money :( but we're sitting on all the money!! We're not rich :( leave me alouneeee. *SobCryWail*
It's like,
Umbridge: "...price-inelastic... higher income..."
Josiah: Where's michelle ah? OH, RICH KID.
*I give wrong answer*
Econs tut, Josiah: It's ok, rich kid don't need to know how economics work.
Civics, along w others also :( Sadness. Sadness is me.
okay, the rest of my day was boring. did cell structure tut and and and and my baby is le poseur. naise pose. :x
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
8:58 PM
Bruised and battered by your words,
dazed and shattered now it hurts.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
5:19 PM
shit, pmsing starts now. i can feel bipolarness creeping upon me A_A i'm sorz to everyone for the next 10 days or so, please tolerate me!!!! ♥
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
1:31 PM
❤ Michelle ♥ Living for my King [tilda] says:
*the wig models
*you smile like them A_A
P-BANGS デーヴィンバブルラップぶーぶー! DAVIN says:
*Yes I do
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
11:13 PM
I feel vair bonded (inside joke) I cannot believe I sold my soul just to get you to stay longer. Not that my soul had not been sold prior to that. Hahahaahahaa.
PW hw, GP hw (application. shit, uber overdue) chinese hw, email the person about cca.. chem hw. econs hw? o_o
nothing to blog about. i'm going to shoot tomorrow!! (archery) hahahaha so eggciting. fun-ness :D hope i can exercise moar so i can lose weight :( lose more weight!! and fats!!!
life is really vair boring. nothing to blog about. emo post also nothing to emo about. D:
Summmmmmmmmmmmmer has goneeeeeee and past, the innocent can never last, wake me up when september ends!
i want to go to universal studios and scare the shit out of myself. i also want to go bungee jumping (and scare the shit out of myself)
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
8:25 PM