So what if I said a chicken was a mammal!! It's a slip of the tongue, no fault of the mind.
Davin: Why are you so obsessed with cows? *points at cow box and moove cow decals on my window*
Me: I'm not! *points to bed* Look at all my seafood!
Davin: XD seafood. Dolphins aren't edible!
Me: Yes they are. They're mammals. We eat chicken.
Davin: Chickens are mammals?
Me: Yes. Chickens are mammals.
I MEANT WARM-BLOODED. STOP MOCKING ME. YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO POST IT ON FACEBOOK, MEANIE. Just you wait, I shall catch your embarrassing moments. A_A I shall. If all else fails, I will hit below the belt and document your sleep cycle. I may even doctor it and put fake drool and all, but it will look real. DO NOT MESS WITH MEE A_A
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
11:28 PM
I dreamt that you came over at 8. How ironic, that the other extreme is true. I guess I may believe in the "opposite-dream"-esque theory. That doesn't bode too well for me in the future.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
12:45 PM
When I'm married, I'm going to have 6 kids and name them in this particular order.
1. Q____
2. W____
3. E____
4. R____
5. T_____
6. Y_____
The pros: the kids will probably not realise for the longest, longest time and when they do, their reactions shall be priceless/epic. They may also look like me, which is cute/cool.
The cons: I shall have to produce 6 offspring. I am going to have incontinence and many stretch marks and lots of fats. Again. ):
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
9:57 PM
If I pon school tomorrow, I have to...
- Read my chem 5b lecture
- Do my chem 5a tutorial to make up for ponning school
- Do econs tutorial
- Do chinese zuowen
- Mentally prepare myself for Friday's PW session :(
- Go gym and do lunges.
- Not brag about starting holidays a day earlier than everyone else :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahaha.
Life's good. ♥ (:
I am so ponning school tomorrow. Thanks.
However, I have a bad feeling about telling Mrs Ng I'm sick. Normally when I do this, I really end up getting sick, which is totally not cool. I hope I don't get sick.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
9:46 PM
001. i miss somebody right now.
002. i watch more tv than i used to.
003. i love olives.
004. i love sleeping.
005. i own lots of books.
006. i wear glasses or contact lenses.
007. i love to play video games.
008. i’ve watched porn movies.
010. i have been in a threesome.
011. i have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship.
012. i believe honesty is the best policy.
013. i have acne free skin.
014. i like and respect all sharpton. (?)
015. i curse frequently.
016. i’ve changed a lot mentally over the last year.
017. i have a hobby.
018. i’ve been told i have a nice butt.
019. i carry my knife/razor everywhere with me.
020. i’m really, really smart.
021. i’ve never broken anyone else’s bones.
022. i have a secret that i am ashamed to reveal.
023. i love it when it rains.
024. i’m paranoid at times.
025. i would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
026. i need money right now. (Gerald Yeo owes me $1000)
027. i love sushi .
028. i talk really, really fast sometimes.
029. i have fresh breath in the morning. (The opposite is true.)
030. i have semi-long hair.
032. i have at least one brother and/or sister.
033. i was born in a country outside of the u.s.
034. i shave my legs. (I used to)
035. i have a twin. (I wish I had, only if he/she isn't like my brother.)
037. i couldn’t survive without caller i.d.
038. i like the way that i look.
039. i have lied to a good friend in the past 6 months.
041. i am usually pessimistic.
042. i have mood swings.
043. i think prostitution should be legalized.
044. i think britney spears is pretty.
045. i have cheated on a significant other.
046. i have a hidden talent.
047. i’m always hyper no matter how much sugar i have.
048. i think that i’m popular.
049. i am currently single.
050. i have kissed someone of the same sex.
051. i enjoy talking on the phone.
052. i practically live in sweatpants or pj pants.
053. i love to shop.
054. i would rather shop than eat.
055. i would classify myself as ghetto.
056. i’m bourgie and have worn a sweater tied around my shoulders.
057. i’m obsessed with my blog!
058. i don’t hate anyone.
059. i’m a pretty good dancer.
060. i’m a horrible dancer.
061. i’m completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother.
062. i have a cell phone.
063. i watch much music on a daily basis. (I listen...)
064. i have cried myself to sleep before. (Many a time)
065. i have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
067. i have never been in a real relationship before.
068. i’ve rejected someone before.
069. i currently have a crush on someone.
070. i have no idea what i want to do for the rest of my life.
071. i want to have children in the future.
072. i have changed a diaper before.
073. i’ve had the cops called on me before.
074. i bite my nails.
076. i’m not allergic to anything deadly.
077. i have a lot to learn.
078. i have dated someone at least 10 years older or younger. (I AM SO TEMPTED TO BOLD THIS)
080. i am very shy around the opposite sex.
081. i’m online 24/7, even as an away message.
082. i have at least 5 away messages saved.
083. i have tried alcohol before.
084. i have made a move on a friend’s significant other in the past.
085. i own the “south park” movie.
088. i enjoy country music.
089. i love my best friend(s).
090. i think that pizza hut has the best pizza.
091. i watch soap operas whenever i can.
092. i’m obsessive, anal retentive, and often a perfectionist.
096. halloween is awesome because you get free candy.
097. i watch spongebob squarepants and i like it.
098. i have dated a close friend’s ex.
099. i’m happy as of this moment.
100. i have gone scuba diving.
101. i’ve had a crush on someone i’ve never met.
102. i’ve kissed someone i knew i shouldn’t.
103. i play a musical instrument.
104. i strongly dislike math.
105. i’m procrastinating on something right now.
106. i own and use a library card.
107. i fall in “lust” more than in “love”.
108. cheese enchiladas rock my socks.
109. i think the lord of the rings is one of the greatest things ever.
110. i’m obsessed with the tv show “lost.”
111. i am resentful that i have to grow up.
112. i am an entirely different person around different people.
113. i think the world would be a better place if people just smiled and meant it more often.
114. i think ramen is the best kind of food in the whole world.
115. i am suffering of a broken heart.
116. i am a nerd.
117. no matter where i am or who i’m with, i always seem to be lonely.
118. i am left handed and proud of it.
119. i don’t change who i am for someone else unless it's for the better.
120. my heart resides below my feet.
121. i am a senior in school.
122. i enjoy smoothies.
123. i have gastritis.
124. i have nothing better to do with my time.
125. i am listening to radiohead right now.
126. most people call me by my middle name.
127. i once stole a music stand.
129. i love nascar!
130. i own over 200 cds.
131. i work 7 days a week.
132. i have mono.
132. i don’t have the ability to make decisions without changing my mind.
133. people tell me i have a horrible sense of humor.
134. i’m only wearing underwear.
136. i’ve driven to a different state to see a band i liked.
137. i am the most over analytical person i know. (That would be Clare ♥)
138. i believe in wasting time.
139. i don’t listen to too much music.
141. my favorite holiday isn’t christmas.
142. i prefer weeks off of work instead of days here and there.
143. i love sex.
144. i wanna go home.
145. i don’t know what i would do without my friends.
146. christmas threw up in my dorm room and i love it.
147. friends is (one of) my favorite tv shows.
148. i’m hungry.
149. i’m still angry about the nip/tuck season 2 finale cliffhanger.
150. i’m a potterhead and proud of it!
151. i noticed there are several numbers missing from this list, making this very much not the 151st entry.
152. i lied about one of the items on this list.
153. my siblings are my best friends.
155. i have a problem expressing things.
156. i have lost a parent.
157. i am the most deprived person i know on the face of the planet.
158. i have at least one test tomorrow that i am not prepared for yet.
159. i love slim jims! even if they are really bad for you.
160. i am sick and tired of school so i am not going.
161. i love sundance.
162. i do not watch television.
163. i love starbucks coffee drinks.
164. i am living at least one lie right now.
168. i’m a little crazy.
169. i like the smell of white tic tacs.
170. i know at least one person in a “life or death” crisis at this moment.
172. i always know all the gossip at my school/workplace/whatever, and nobody ever suspects it.
173. i have thought about suicide.
175. i can be selfish.
176. i’m so emo at times.
177. i can solve a 3x3 rubik’s cube.
179. i cheated on a test before.
181. i’m sick of drama.
182. i need a job
(self-inserted) 183. i need a life
I wonder how everyone reacted to 143.
MR CHAN IMPALED A STUFFED PILLOW. WHAT MADE IT WORSE? HE IMPALED IT AND THEN STRETCHED IT. THE POOR PILLOW. It must have been in such pain :( it was so cute. It had 2 eyes... Cute eyes... He did it so we could imagine why a sickle rbc was like, stiff and fragile and longitudinal vs biconcave and squishy. Poor stuffed pillow :( I've seen it before. We used it in station games when I was sec1 for bowling camp. It was a giant powder-puff. The winner would put it in powder and smack the other person's face after a game of scissors paper stone. Veryveryvery fun XD hahahaha. BUT THE POOR PILLOW OMG.
Poor pillow. :(
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
10:25 PM
Farting is a very embarrassing thing. I was going to the toilet to shower when I accidentally farted, with my mum in the room. She looked at me and asked, "Was that you?" :O To which I replied, "No, it was the chair."
Sadly she wasn't fooled. Then she went on to mimic the 5 year-old me in saying, "Michelleeee, did you faaaart?" in this pseudo-innocent voice. Of course, when I was 5 and said it, it was saturated with innocence. I had no bad bone in me! Then, anyway.
Bwaha, what trauma I must have caused her, that she remembers it til this day XD Dear mother, you're supposed to be a mature role model for me! Why are you being so childish A_A Hahaha. The other day my sister tried to do it to my mum when SHE accidentally farted. My sister's eyes OPENED WIDEEE and then she looked at my mum and said, "MUMMYY..." But was cut off half way by a SHHH
Hahaha. I love my family (:
Indeed, porn is cheaper than dating, but.. O, how tragic the people who stare at porn all day long. They haz no lives. And those that... jack off 6 times a day. No personal attack intended. (Lies)
ANYWAY~~~ I feel vair mean XD Omgosh, when have I become an evil person! I can't remember if I blogged about Sakura buffet thing. I don't think I did.. OH I didn't!! I must remember to read my GP notes after blogging.
Sakura buffet sucks. It is bland and tasteless and of vair low quality. I conclude that I have spoilt taste buds. That aside, Sakura buffet still sucks.
Yesterday after lunch @ the sucky sakura buffet, we (sis and dad + dvc + lester ho) went home and did random things for a while, then played Wii sports. We played tennis and bowling. Davin and I won tennis :D :D :D :D lester had really really really really really bad reflexes and we could always count on him to fail and give us points. It was lulz :x especially because in real life, Davin and I would get thrashed XD
For bowling, meimei kept getting splits. I tried to hook the ball like in real life, but it failed. Honey kept dropping the ball while trying to roll it at a godlike slow speed. Lester... I don't remember.
SLOW BOWLING IS CHEATING. Where is the fun in rolling it straight down the middle at like 0.1km/h???? I don't see the fun!! IT'S NO FUN! I tried to get Davin drunk. I put like more than a shot of vodka in a glass and added lime juice to it. The alcohol could hardly be tasted!! But he didn't like the alcohol :( and refused to drink the second glass. So meimei and I did. She's an alcoholic, I tell you. On saturday night she just kept pouring more wine for herself. At the dinner table, Dad was talking to us about serious things and we were all listening, then after finishing his point meimei would just reach out and take the wine bottle and nonchalantly pour herself another glass of wine. Nonchalantly probably isn't the right word, I'd say inconspicuously, or at least trying to be :P
Ah, life is boring. Must read GP now. Do I have econs essay outline? I'm not sure. I'm only worrying about GP CT on wednesday. Sigh.. Then we have to chiong PW something. Double sigh.
OH YES I didn't blog about laoshi suanning me! Today we did a listening compre exercise for the first period. She said everyone should at least get 7/10. Then she said it was relatively easy, and even I could get 8/10 A_A A_A DO YOU NOTICE THE 'EVEN' WORD THERE? OMG. THAT IS SO SUAN. SHE IS A MEAN PERSON.
Maybe RJ teaches people to be over-sensitive. There's a word for it, I just don't remember it.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
7:11 PM
My sister told me a blonde joke.
Once there was a blonde who needed money, so she decided to kidnap a child. She went to a playground and took a child behind a tree and said, "I'm kidnapping you." Then she wrote on a note, I am kidnapping your child. If you want your child back, put $10 000 under the peach tree by tomorrow. Signed, a blonde." She put the note on the child's shirt and sent him home. The next day, sure enough there was a paper bag under the peach tree. When she opened it, there was $10 000 dollars inside. A note attached said, "Here your $10 000 as promised, but how could you do this to a fellow blonde? Signed, a blonde."
HAAHAHAHAHA. My sister and dad are drunk. They are not stepping into my room.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
9:20 PM
Hehehe slacking off while hubby is cooking dinner. I feel so slacker! I don't know why my right big toenail/toe hurts so much :( It's super-ingrown I think. I shall go down and make pestopasta soon :D It shall be successful. I regret not being able to find the tuscan (?) olive oil that Deb got us... Okay. God knows what kind of olive oil it was, just that it was exotic and probably vair vair naise. Until I lost it, because then we'll never ever know.
Lalala, unnecessary carb overload! I'm going downstairs to retrieve my phone and reply smses.
I have new aunty hairstyle :D actually it's not new, it's simply REVIVED from my sec2 days. Wee! I feel refreshing. (Not refreshed, refreshing. Really.)
Going daon nao.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
5:57 PM
Yesterday when I was crossing the road diving a block and Potong Pasir CC, suddenly a car came and I said WHOOOOOOAAA and stepped back. Russell, however, did not see the car and did not think very much my m WHOOAAA, he just looked around. 2 seconds later, he saw the car and then stepped back like a scared cat. He told me to say more helpful things than WHOOOAAA.
What am I supposed to say? WHOOOOOoOOOAAAcar or WHOACAAAAAAAAAAR or... I don't know. Apparently I'm supposed to say CAR! Short and sweet. But also very not fun.
Today I went to RI open house for little boihyz who aspire to be nerdomaniacs. We were the only girls in the entire hall manning booths because we're the only CCA from the JC section A_A because Archery's being set up next year. Uhuhu. I was snacking on random things Gabriel bought and left behind because he.. wanted to go home. Then Jeff kept complaining about me snacking. It's like I stand in front of the booth, holding the bow in 1 hand and eating a cracker in the other. LOL! Before that I was eating a honeydew. When I took the honeydew, he said, "Michelle when Angela stands next to you she looks like a malnourished African kid. Give her the honeydew lah!" SO MEAN RIGHT :'( HE IS MEAN. Stupid Chinaman with fluffy hair.
Oh ya and he spoke like a chinaman! SO COOL. Chinaman accents are cool. If I could speak Chinese with a Chinaman accent, I would speak Chinese WAY more often.
I shall blog layter :3 Michaela is coming later with I don't know who for I don't know what :O We are going to cook random things (: I am cooking pesto pasta! Dvc is going to cook carbonara. He insists I bathe :( But I did not sweat. I am not sweaty and smelly. I smell nice :( I am hairy.
Tis the sad truth.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
2:39 PM
I have just recalled a hilarious issue that was once mentioned in GP lessons under Mrs Lim.
Mrs Lim: You know I marked an essay of this girl... She said that a social catastrophe/disaster/global threat is inter-racial marriages. She said that the children turn out looking "funny" and they're an abomination. Do my children look funny?!?!
Note: Mrs Lim = Mrs Malini Lim = Indian married Chinese. Hahaha the funniest thing was that she was TOTALLY disturbed by that essay that her student wrote. Also her facial expressions were priceless. It was like exasperation to the max. What I'd give to relive that moment...
Today to break my $50 note, I bought some random "sour powder" thing from 7-11, only it wasn't so sour and the price was actually $1.65 when it wrote $1. They have to stop scamming people like that. Anyway, the cashier woman gave me NINE $5 NOTES. NINE. NINE. NINE. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT? ARE THERE NO $10 NOTES? Hateful woman.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
9:33 PM
Mi lahgs are soou painful after gymming.. I did more than a hundred lunges, with a sexyass being my motivation. I want to have an ass as nice as Rachel Ng's in 2009. It was a lovely ass. I wonder if it's still as firm as it was then :O
I am very happy because if I do get married, say, soon, my childhood misunderstanding thing would still be okay! Because my husband would be able to carry me (glamorously sweep me off my feet and carry me out the doors) HAHAHAHAH. Omg, I should not have said that publicly. Now everyone's going to laugh at me for thinking such things were "mandatory" in weddings.
When I weighed myself today, I was 0.5kg lighter than I was last week, but that's probably cos I ran before weighing myself, whereas I didn't last week and the 0.5kg (plusminus) can be attributed to water loss. Hmm... I must bathe.
But it is impossible for me to stand up. I'm going shopping with mummy on monday!! Yay dresses (not that I actually wear them, but shopping for dresses is ALWAYS fun when you're in Paragon) and SHOES!! Oh, I need shoes. I love shoes. Shoes are wonderful.
I am procrastinating about bathing. I can't believe it. My laziness has reached a new high. Nobody said it was easy, nobody said it would be this hard. I must do my GP compre and at least FIND my DNA&Genomics notes. I shall probably do the tutorial tomorrow.
OH, I WISH I HAD A FRENCH MANIPEDI NOW!! MY NAILS ARE SO DULL AND NOT BEAUTIFUL. Today I drew on the tips with my white pen and successfully fooled Tiffany and Jiahui :x They were beautiful!!!!!!!! Sadly when I went to the toilet and washed my hands all the ink came off *SIGH* and I had to do it again, but it wasn't as nice.
I feel so fat. It's like, people talk about abs and u-shaped abs and 4, 6 and 8 packs... And I have an O-pac/1-pac. Aiyohh it's so tragic :( I really hope planks will help get rid of my fats.
Today Mr Chan was nice/not mean. (Omg, can you imagine he's so mean that when he's not mean I call him nice? That's a scary thought.) And I just realised he suans almost EVERYBODY, just so subtly that it's hard to tell. I asked him how old he was but he didn't answer >:( I think I struck a nerve Uhuhu! A_A I has found his weakness. 1. Heat 2. Age.
Okay. It has been 5 mins since I said I would go shower in 5-10mins, so that means I have another 5 mins to muster up enough energy to make myself stand, go to the toilet and BATHE.
Shit, now I have 4 mins left. Nooo, time is passing so quickly :| I will only have 2 hours to procrastinate and be unproductive before I have to sleep. Eeks. Not good.
Oh, Russell once said that eating your nose shit is good for your immune system. I can't remember why. But if I try to rationalise it now, I would say it's because there are lots of bacteria and germs trapped in the dried snot so when you ingest it, it stimulates your immune system to produce more antibodies. And it won't actually cause you any harm because them microbes are harmless. They just stimulate the production of antibodies. Thus, there are only pros in eating snot, unless you include the psychological and social cons, because such an act is shunned by the vast majority. As it is vair, vair gross. The psychological bit is... You start to think you are major-weird because you eat nose shit. That is all :)
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
7:12 PM
Today in bio, after finishing going through the membranes tutorial, Mr Chan went on to talk about the practical that we did under the supervision of "Kayalwight". First he went through the importance of a well labelled diagram, with appropriate headings, units, etc. Then a few of us pointed out that the table is error-saturated, and he defensively said it was OBVIOUSLY not his table. LOL. Quite funny. Then later on he was discussing the water potential and percentage changes and all that, and while trying to demonstrate how a stem can only move inwards so much, he did THE PEACE SIGN.
*does peace sign, with his arm sticking all the way out*
Mr Chan: So your ku chai originally looks like this...
*everyone stifling laughter and sniggers escape*
Mr Chan: What? What? Your ku chai looks like this what. Is this sign supposed to have some sort of significance?
Hahaha Mr Chan is v funny. I don't think I blogged about the time after class when I said he was a mean teacher.
Me: Mr Chan, you're very mean. (because of the one time he said, "I'm not wearing any jacket, and I have less adipose tissue than you, so why are you complaining?" when I was shivering in class. Damn Leonggen made it 16 degrees.)
Mr Chan: No what, I'm not. I never even say anything, you're just too sensitive. You're normal what, why you keep saying you're fat. Don't tell me you have a disorder...
Me: I'm anorexic.
Mr Chan: Really ah? *sniggers*
SO MEAN RIGHT. HE SO INSINUATED THAT MY ANOREXIA WAS NOT WORKING. HE WAS IMPLYING THAT!! MR CHAN IS A MEAN PERSON. I thought I had escaped all this in sec 4 when NME left us. But... Alas, I was wrong.
Oh and we met our new GP teacher today. She speaks really well, and is kind of nice I think. That's what she gave most of us for first impressions. And as usual, I said stupid things. We hafta complete a compre assignment by friday :( I hate AQ. It is painfulness. Anyway, she commented on how quiet our class was and how we needed to 'liven up' or something to that effect. I do believe she would not want that to happen, should she know the full impact that would have on her lessons for the next 1 and a half years. I empathize/sympathize with Mrs Lim. I miss her already! Her expressions were really funny.
"Ladies and gentlemen, now let us look at our [insert exaggerated word here] comprehension assignment." "This silly woman..."
I haven't successfully captured the essence of her statements. They are so much less amusing, especially because she says it in a way that cannot be imitated. Sigh. Miss Mrs Lim. She keeps calling me "This MGS girl" SEEE THAT JUDGEMENT. But I miss her nonetheless. Let's create a facebook account for her :D :D Hahahaha.
To whoever this regards: What is wrong with saying I like ______ (@night) ?????? There is nothing wrong! See, I have no reason to hide it A_A Hahahahaha. And no, the other blog is not just for sad things, neither is this blog only for happy things. We must reach a balance. Yin and yang :D
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
8:36 PM
Cos we've lost it all, nothing lasts forever, I'm sorry I can't be perfect.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
9:31 PM
Today I made a powerful realisation and... forgot what it is I realised. I wonder how heavy I look :\ the evil guys in class say I look 60kg. :( :( really???? :( I'm going to put Pilates as my first choice for the PE module/elective thing :D sooo awesome. I hope I realise my previous realisation soon. I think it was quite wonderful... Pfft. I'm 55.0kg :O fatness. But I lost like 0.2kg. I think it's because I am bleeding.
HEY, DEB! Here's another way to lose weight! Just keep bleeding :D it's almost as good as donating blood, just not very altruistic. A_A HAHA. I submitted 3 chinese assignments today :) I feel happy. Jontan was worried and said he should start handing in assignments too. I thought 语文联系 3 was due so... I asked const and keh to do it when I saw them. LOL shit it's totally in someone else's handwriting, and keh even did some of the open-ended questions... I don't understand her answer. Shits must blankoooo! Why must JC people take Chinese but not Poly people or ITE. This is discrimination. I mean, we're according to MOE, everyone's going to need it in the future, right? SO WHY THIS UNFAIR DISCRIMINATION lifesucks. Tomorrow we're going to meet our new GP teacher who's the head of department for GP. Or something. Her name's Munyee or something like that. Our ex-GP teacher keeps calling her money. (MUNYEEE) What an awesome name. It's almost as powerful as Chee Ke En (say it) or Chee Yi Ting (say it too)
Lao shi kept complaining about people writing dongxi too often for their own good, because it's literally a translation of "thing" to chinese. And we should expand our chinese vocab.
Rae just smsed me asking me if I wanted the chocolate-coated gummies (Meiji!) At first I thought she was Raehanna from church and I was gonna reply some witty shiz like, "Yes I would like 10 tubes pleez." to sabo her but then I realised.. That it was the Rae from class. Oggay. AWESOME, I GET MORE CHOCOLATE GUMMIES TO SNACK ON!! I can carry it around with me when walking from class/lecture to class/lecture LOL. Man, I really have to stop snacking. Today I ate like 3-4 pieces of DARS DARK CHOCOLATE which is good stuff. Forgot how awesome it was, because the last time I had it I was in Japan :O which was really really really long ago! I mean like, the first time we were in Japan. Whenever we go to Japan we end up getting hooked on the "snack-of-the-trip". For the 3rd time we went to Japan, it was this WONDERFULWONDERFUL Calbee potato stick thing. Absolutely wonderful. We would buy one wherever we went. I think at the airport waiting to transfer to a bus...? Or something to take the domestic flight, we (the kids of 3-4 families) ate about 5 packs of them potato sticks. HEHEHE I love them potato sticks. They sell them in Singapore too but they cost like $3+ :( sadness.
Life is boring. I'm going to get fat. The world's going to end before I reach 45. I shall not have to worry about getting awful awful wrinkles (: I shall not make my children work so hard. I shall only teach them to be God-fearing, good people. That is enough.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
4:25 PM
This is what a weird conversation looks like.
(Below are random phrases listed in chronological order)
"You seem sad. No I take that back, you're as blond(e) as ever."
"Queer is slang for gay."
"I'm not gay. I'm just female"
"Now RJ has guys in skirts and girls in pants. Naise."
"Shall keep that between us, or you might lose a limb. That might be a good thing, then you won't be able to mock me for not being able to shoot my bow."
"I can still fire a gun with my teeth and eyelids"
"The recoil will make you bogae."
(Insert conversation on the dropping of milk teeth, and dreams about dropping teeth.)
Tis weird indeed.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
8:54 PM
My uterus is evil. Just after an hour after it starts, it's already causing me a considerable amount of pain. Seriously, an hour! One headlight is a really nice song :) Haven't heard it in really long. I took out my old iPod and found it inside cos I'm gonna pass it to dvc :O poor boy cannot live without noisy funk muziq. D: Yeah anyway.
BACK TO MY UTERUS. xkcd 594 (I swear I remember that damn number..)
I said my uterus was wielding a double-edged sword and slicing up the insides of my uterus/lining of the wall. The other day when dvc said his throat was killing him I said it was cutting up his throat :x OUCH IT HURTS. But actually it hurts because of the contractions. Which involve calcium ions, potassium ions, and pumps for the 2 aforementioned ions. Imagine A_A damn tiny protein things embedded in the phospholipid bilayer of the cells in my yooteruz are causing me such great pain. T_T Pain. Okay, back to chinese homework and random rambling elsewhere..
Great, my mum thinks I don't know how to use the phrase "失去" THANK YOU MUM FOR BEING SO ENCOURAGING :(
In the car the other day.
Mum: You know how I hinted to Norman what kind of ring I wanted? I told him, "I like 3 and I like blue."
Me: Omg so shameless. And he got you a 3-karat sapphire + diamonds around the side.
Meimei: How, I like the number 59?
Me: Easy, 0.59 lor.
:D :D :D I am powerful problem solver. Must help her phuture husband, if not he'll be at her mercy 4ever :O
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
5:59 PM
Yesterday was real funnz, went to church then went to laugh@dvc dance. Before leaving church I was rushing through Burned (omg hi-5 cali!! I have found a fellow fangirl!) because it was reaching the climax and was vair vair eggciting. I even brought it into the car and read it otw to church. When we stopped at the traffic light to get off.. I WAS 1 PAGE AWAY FROM FINISHING. 1 PAGE. But it's okay cos normally the last page isn't much, just sets the (insert appropriate english word) for the next book. I LOVE THE SERIESSSS. I LOVE STARKKK! O wonderful people. Sighh, even though their writing isn't exceptional (I'm not one to speak) the storyline is UNPARALLELED. SERIOUSLY!!! AAAH, the only thing I can probably predict is what's gonna happen in the last book, the "final battle" or whatnot. I think I can totally imagine what's going to happen and what the outcome will be. But in between... No clue. Lovethebook, lovethebook, lovethebook. Anyway.
In church Deb led lessons with Pris. Apparently, I was supposed to sprout out inappropriate comments. On what, I have no idea. (I don't think I did...) I HATE JOHNATHAN PHAY WEN CHUAN. what kind of godbrother keeps calling you fat. D: walao. seriously. He is so annoying. Annoying. Annoying. Cruel and heartless and insensitive and annoying. MOVING ON from the disgusting topic that is johnphaywenchuan...
Went to mum's condo to watch dvc. I can't remember what I kept saying was "SO CUTE" but then he was compelled to make an "act cute" face in front of me, my sister and Janelle. Both of them were like, yuckk, but his act cute face was vair cute. Must pinch.. A_A LOL. Yeah anw, it was a dance battle b/w... Techtonik people and Poppers. Cos the "hardstyle" people didn't show up. Wow talk about major pangseh :O Most of the techtonik people were really young. Like 14 year old kids. AND OMG, THERE WAS THIS ONE GUY. HE WAS SO SKINNY. HIS ARMS AND LEGS LOOKED LIKE TOOTHPICKS AND SATAY STICKS RESPECTIVELY. Ohmyygoooosh. Then in skinny jeans, he looked like he didn't have legs at all. But they're supposed to look like that so, *shrugs*. Speaking of shrugs, I need a "shrugs" emoticon on MSN. Anyone haz? :D :D
Poppers won overall. Shall not go into great detail because I cannot. But my mum got a really epique shot of Davin's face :D when he was doing a strange, obscure move in front of another guy. VAIR FUNNY! ♥ This is the link to the highlight (I think)
A strange, obscure girl walked into the studio when they just finishing and kept clinging to dvc. Don't know what's her deal. She looked like a lost, abandoned puppy. Maybe it's just me. *shrugs* Went down and came up again to find him. Don't really believe what he said, but w/e. Doesn't matter anyway.
Then we went to my place after dropping Janelle home, and there were lots of bowlers :O Actually they came shortly after we got home, they weren't there at first.. Don't feel like blogging anymore A_A Shall continue layter. Food-hunting time!
Blahblah, nothing happened, then brother/other j1s tried to screen the j2 movie thing BUT FAILED because macs are not compatible with the projector or something. So they stole my laptop and everyone saw my mamegoma wallpaper.. Embarrassing. A_A yes then after the touching/not so touching video, they pushed the j2s into the pool. And the j1s went along with them soon after (including dvc, who had his phone in his pocket) WHY SO GENIUS?? His phone is totally spoilt now +_+' I don't think guarantee includes dropping into water, though.
Egad, I really need to BUY FILES AND CLEAR UP MY FLOOR It's in a horrible mess +_+' And my computer is so shitty, it hangs/doesn't work/ etcetc. But it's okay lah, I just have to restart it here and there. Minor inconvenience.. Hahahaha but it pisses everyone else off. Thanks for de-fragging my com or at least trying to :P ♥ Awesomeness! Nothingelsetoblogabouttt.
Must not be over-sensitive A_A
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
11:09 AM
You don't have to worry
Cos everything's alright
I know that you get me,
That you get me through the night ♥
I ate half a head of cabbage (kah-bahhgzzhe) for dinner D: and like rice and a bit of chicken and potato. HALF A HEAD OF CABBAGE. That's insane. My dad said I was going to get loose stools :( My brother then commented that once he ate 6 bananas for dinner and went to the toilet 3 times at night cos of diarrhoea. Anyway, at first I had a bowl of soup with kahbahge in it, and ate all the cabbage. Then I asked my maid for more and she gave me TWICE WHAT SHE GAVE ME AT FIRST. That's just not normal. I asked for a little more veg. Normally that means half of what she gave me at first. :'( Anyway, yes. So i ate half that 2nd bowl. Which adds up to A LOT OF KAHBAHGE.
I must be mad! Nothing to do :( Bored. Misses you.
I remember quotes from tuesday!
(From the powerpoint)
Fangting: How do you tell the difference between a korean or a japanese?
Me: Anyone with "Kim" in their name is korean
Fangting: So Kim Possible is korean?!
(My reaction to the quote in the powerpoint)
Me: Not only Kim, okay! Park also!!!!
Arvin: Linkin Park...
A_A Omg. I got pwned by Arvin. Shit!!!
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
7:21 PM

FROM CLARE'S TUMBLR. This is wonderful. It's so funny. HAHA.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
5:46 PM
leonggen's pm: Muffins are just ugly cupcakes.
Me: Don't be mean to muffins! They have fillings too!
Leonggen: Hurhurhur.
Me: What? :3 I personally thought that was rather witty of me *triumphant laugh*
LOL! OMG I am self-amusing ttmbtm.
Love, I am going to win :) Your female stalkers will call you Mr. Piggles EVENTUALLY. I doubt it'll even take 2-3 days! Sadly I'll have to come up with another adorable nickname :( Am sad. Get well soon! ♥
I completed my GP essay!! I think i took 2-2.5 hours OOOPS but I think it's quite okay. Actually in my essay outline it sounded more promising. But oh well. I am learning, after all! I feel accomplished. Now all I have to do is REMEMBER what other homework I have not done/is due and do it. Heh heh. And find my DNA&Genomics lecture notes guh.
It is 9.24pm. I am off to bed. It is 24degreescelsius and "low", but I am feeling a little chilleh.
Happy birthday Sherri! Happy birthday Beatrice-from-cell! Happy birthday Francine! ♥
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
9:20 PM
*Via SMS*
Me: brother, where fore art thou?
Brother: Thou shalst leave thyself at thines chooleth forth thyst brotherein hath attendance of formalth functions.
Me: naise. kthxbye.
LOL. omg that's SO EPIC WIN seriously, in that 1 sentence there are like, 5 underlined words. XDXD love my family.
Anwaez, for Chinese today, we wrote an ESSAYY. In CHINESE. I remembered to get the notes that I photocopied :) (powerful right, I can photocopy them and forget to bring them.)
I CRAVE SEAWEED SO MARCHHH UGH. GP essay. Hooohooo~ *insert mamegoma emoticon here* LEONGGEN HAS A MAMEGOMA IN HIS PENCILCASE. It's so cute. He washed it. I used to think it was grey, but actually, it's pink. I am going to conquer it. SO CUTEE :D
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
5:54 PM
I wanted to write either:
1. Deb: WLAO you don't add me you add random people like Michelle Gracecheahhuishi Hwang!
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
9:42 PM
Elsa/MissLim/MrsChng: Pls be reminded f our painfully early morning tuition tmr.
SIGH I'm sorry, I don't want to have tuition at 7am either!! :( Tis painful. I cannot remember what I'm supposed to blog about. Pfftboredom. Shall bathe. :\
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
9:03 PM
Must. not. feel. threatened. by. inferior. beings. A_A Easier said than done.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
10:14 PM
Super nice/cute quotes Tiffany (Seah) sent to us! :D
"I don't see much sense in that," said Rabbit. "No," said Pooh humbly, "there isn't. But there was going to be when I began it. It's just that something happened to it along the way."
Winnie the Pooh
If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you.
Winnie the Pooh
It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn't use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like "What about lunch?"
Winnie the Pooh (@all the lit vocab-powerful people)
Some people care too much, I think it's called love.
Winnie the Pooh
When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.
Winnie the Pooh (@deb! So deb~)
Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. "Pooh," he whispered.
"Yes, Piglet?"
"Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw, "I just wanted to be sure of you."
SO SWEET!! I had the most food tonight for dinner +_+ Ugh, feel so darn fat now. But it's okay, because I gymmed! I made this wonderful discovery that over my binge weekend, I didn't gain any weight! And the beloved RJ gym machine says I am 54.95kg OMG DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS I am LESS THAN 55. WOW!! Hahaha. Okay, lose moar lose moar. ^o^V So awesome (:
Where are you... T_T
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
7:21 PM
Shit, today at dinner I mixed up calamine with calamansi. I said something along the lines of "I don't know what calamansi tastes like, I only know calamansi lotion."
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
9:58 PM
What's wrong with a blog full of retarded nonsense??? T.T The pregnant lady is sad. The pregnant lady is going to eat until you get here.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
3:54 PM
OMG THE MOST EPIC SS SEQ ESSAY EVER. This is how you deter teachers from giving pop-essays.
1. 'The key reason for Venice's downfall was, ironically, it's success.' Do you agree with this view? Explain your answer.
1. I agree with this statement to a large extent, because leading to its success was the industrial concentration, However, this also lead to its downfall.
Oseolar came up with the idea to have all the factories in one place to reduce noise pollution. This, in turn, enabled the people in power to hear each other as previously, they were all rendered deaf due to noise pollution. In doing so, these people no longer had any misunderstandings or miscommunications. Hence, Venice prospered.
However, little did Oseolar know that some of the greatest achievements of Venice came about because of the miscommunications between rulers and nobles. In enforcing industrial concentration, he prevented these slip-ups from drove the city to new heights from ever happening again.
An example of a miscommunication is between the famous scientist who discovered the cation and a high-ranked noble. The scientist spoke about the cation, but due to the loud noise escaping the factories, the noble heard about the wonders of the cat and how it would change the nation. So the noble built an altar for Cleopatra and her Cat God. This greatly angered the Vatican and they persecuted the scientists - all of them. So the scientists, glamorously known as the Illuminati, blew Venice up with antimatter.
Note: This is a product of the misinterpretation of the question because I have no more contacts therefore cannot read properly therefore this.
Mr Seow wrote: Michelle, I don't know how to mark this. Please teach me.
HAHAH WIN. Omg, I just realised I don't have contacts again! It must be a sign! Should I wear my purple contacts? T_T"
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
10:49 AM
me: i'm preggers
autny: nonse
me: i'm totally preggers.
aunty: you are ttly full of nonsense
bio win!
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
12:17 AM
aunty: oh man that sucks. what you wan 2 eat?
I AM PREGGERS. Or hormonal/emotional/fat/feverish.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
10:43 PM
I JUST HAD THE MOST AWESOME 2 HOUR NAP from 4-6 :D Hahahaha. After lunch I had some ultra killer headache and almost puked out my superawesome lunch.
Digress: Omigosh, looking at my blog, it appears as if I'm like, 5 or something! My email also looks as if I created it when I was 5. (But I was 15!! T.T) it's okay, David still has a weirder email. And it's okay to say this, because he never reads my blog. Ooh dvc also has a weird email. I hope we don't go out for dinner so I can complete my gpp before 11.59:59 so i can not pay 5 bucks to the PW group fund. THANK GOD FOR AUTOSAVE, SERIOUSLY. I accidentally went back 2 pages while trying to backspace. I want a new laptop :\
Oh shit, we might go out and eat. Means I need to do my work NAO!! I have 30 mins to do my GPP. I love No Me Ames! It's lovely :) ♥ I love all emo songs!
Back to today! For lunch we went to Dozo, some powerful Japanese fusion restaurant. I ACTUALLY WANTED TO ORDER THINGS OFF THE MENU! Normally such places have really exotic food that is foreign to whatever people are used to eating, but this one was dam nice! Soft shell crab with MASHED POTATO it was dam nice. And like, codfish. Dam nice. And onion soup! Hahaha (okay, it doesn't really appear jap now that I think about it..) Anyway, the food was the awesome-est :D too lazy to blog. Need to do GPP. I regret taking out my contacts, because now I have to walk around in my old specs. Because my new ones have no power. I'm considering going to change the lens so it's powered.. Hmm.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
6:46 PM
July 29, 2008
grace: i have a transparent one
me: what's the use ?!?!
grace: to shelter me from the rain, you know, umbrella
me: ._. oops.
grace: then umbrellas for what
me: to shade you from the sun
grace: that'll be sunbrellas .
me: so umbrellas should be rainbrellas. that makes no sense.
Aug 4, 2008
Nicole: What if you walk to the end of the delta and you take 1 more step? Do you drop into water? I don't trust solids anymore!
Me: Put your faith in liquids.
Deb: They're the solution to everything.
Shall find more quotes next time :) goodnight all! ♥
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
11:17 PM
Omg I wish I would stop getting stupid emotional highs/lows! It's like, bipolar! Ugh D: Poor people around me :( I'm sorry for my powerful mood swings :(
(the next post shall be my #(psle score)th post!) hahaha. I walked out to Serene Centre to eat macs w dvc and then walked back home (in 10 mins, amazing!!) Anyway, I had a happy meal and the stupid boy laughed at my smallish food portions and the toy! I had an extra OJ and a vanilla cone after my happy meal T_T I shouldn't have done that.
To determine the toy's fate (it was dorami) Davin decided to spin it and whoever the ribbon points to shall take the toy home. At first I told him to just give it to his sister but "she would throw it away promptly upon receiving it" LOL so yes he spun the thing. First time - him, second time - him. third time - me but that hardly counts because of the first 2 fails :x HAHA, fail!! That is self-pwn. :3
Thank you for my mamegoma emoticons, love!! And today, you is awesomeness ♥
Example of 'decreasing marginal returns' or 'negative marginal returns'
Scenario: Dinner@macs, Double McSpicy meal upsized and then a double cheeseburger.
Consequence: V full, 12die.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
9:19 PM
One eye on the clock, and one on the phone, it's
5 11:19 and i'm feeling alone (aiyah, 11.17 can alr lah, i want to go bathe. just gymmed. stupid time not passing fast enough.)
Yay I found $6 looking through my mum's old unwanted bags. HAHA LOL.
Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
11:08 AM