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The adventures of...


No haters!

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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Love me, that's all I ask of you

Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
10:45 PM

Thursday, February 2, 2012

You never really understand the concept of love until it’s placed in your hands for you to care for. To nurture. Not until it smacks you in the face and leaves you starstruck, do you realize how powerful it really is, and only then does it become something more than a four-lettered word. And when you finally pick yourself up off the ground from the fall, you’ll realize that the fall wasn’t so bad after all. From that moment on, you’ll notice that colors are brighter, and music is softer, and life just makes a little more sense. You’ll realize that your heart does beat for a reason, and that reason is love… Love is the only thing that can make you feel whole and empty at the same time. You feel empty because you’ve given your heart to someone, but at the same time, whole because someone has given you theirs to fill the space. And yes, you can choose to run from it, because it can get scary at times, but when you get where you’re going, it might not be where you want to go after all. And when you decide to turn around, love might not still be there waiting. So when it does knock you off your feet, catch your breath, wipe the dirt off your shoes, and run with it. Because it’s the scariest, the worst, the best, and the most amazing thing you’ll ever feel in your entire life.

Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
12:04 AM

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Haha. I copy-pasted this

wet blan·ket

A person who spoils other people's fun by failing to join in with or by disapproving of their activities.

at Russell alooot of times because he was pointing out all the problems I'd face if I were to abandon civilisation and go to China to open a Panda conservation centre. I love baby pandas. They're so cute :( but I guess I'll just settle for a cute panda stuffed toy... Even though I'm almost 19. Yep. Some things never change. My mum says she still loves stuffed toys, can I blame it on genetics? In my case nature and nurture both point to ILOVESTUFFEDTOYS so I can't be blamed.. Wadup.

Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
11:28 PM

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Life is good. Nuff said. Thank you all my friends for being so awesome and there for me even when I'm Ms. Angstypants. I love how this blog never gets read!

Shella, missed you tonnes. Thanks for being there for me to spill all my deepdarksekrets. :)
Clare, LORBBB YOU please don't be so emo, many people LORBB you and you deserve so much better! Don't beat yourself up about little things..
Graciecheah, I MEEZED YOU! After being in the same sch since we were 4 for so long, being apart in jc was very sad! But I'm so glad nothing has changed and you are still so retart and awesome


Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
11:51 PM

Friday, December 30, 2011

what have I done.. back to being close strangers again.

Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
10:15 AM

Sighhh what should I do about myself >< I grow attached to people too easily. Emotionally dependent? Mm.
Prob 1 - afraid of losing friends
Prob 2 - in love w the idea of being in love

I'm sorryyyyyy if I'm annoying :( :( :( I ruin friendships. I laugh at angsty people but secretly I'm the worse of them all.. Talk about hypocrisy. *chuckles to self*

Find me somebody to love

Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
12:23 AM